At first I discussed with my mate who chosed to do the same thing. We came up with lots of great and interesting ideas. In the unit outline it said that we could do an essay-like argument, a documentary account or historical recreation, or a photographic tour. However I was not keen to do something like that because it sounds boring to me, and I dont want my audiences to get bored of it either. I wanted to do something fun and interesting. So I decided to a fictional story which would have interesting storyline.
I spent alot of time thinking of some ideas for the story. I wanted to make a comedy story so I talked about it with my friends and shared our great and funny live experiences. Also I went on internet to do some researh about stories writing. I went on yahoo to looked up some for great example of stories from people around the world. Pity there were not many of good ones. Most people just come and write complaining about their lives. Anyway google is my real friend. I looked up some funny stories on google. I eventually came up with this great story of one guy who is getting laid for the first time. He doesnt know anything about it so he goes to see the doctor and asks for the advices. At night he goes to his girl's place and turn out the doctor is his girl's daddy. The original story itself is pretty funny. However I added more charactor in it to make it even more interesting and funnier.
After I finished writting the story. I started pinning the map and adding the story in each one. I chosed the location in Canberra because it's where we live. Also I think it would be more interesting since the story happens in our native town. Also I took the pictures by myself with my digital camera. I didnt actually go to take photos on the location on the map. SInce I dont have a car it's really hard for me to go around Canberra. However I set up the scenes in university which looks similar to the place in the map. For example this scene when the charactor is at the pub. I didnt actually go to the pub but I went to the cafe area in university and picked the good spot for taking photos. It turned out look as if the picture was actually taking in the pub (for people who dont go to UC and havent been to the cafe area before it will even look more realistic.) Then when I got all the photos. I also used this Photoshop program which gave me a chance to edit and play around with contrass and colour to make my works look better. Here's the example:

As you can see the picture looks fine. However I decided to edit the colour and contrass abit to make it look even better

Now the image looks more interesting. After I finished editing all of my images. I uploaded them on Flickr. I chosed Flickr because its a very popular and reliable website where we can store and share our images for free. Also in my introduction to media production class we learnt about Flickr aswell so I think its the best to use this website. When I finished uploading my images I added them all to my google map by following the instruction on google website. Also I added some videos which related to the story. At first I had some problems adding them to my map, but after I had a chat with my tutor. She showed me how to do it and then I could do it without any problems. I also added some related links to my map aswell. For example there's a scene where the main charactor is going to meet his girlsfriend's dad. In that section I added the link to the article " what to do when ur meeting her dad". Its basically tell you how you should do & talk to the girls dad when you in the sitcation where you meeting him. haha pretty funny I know :P
Finally I have done all the work. I think my work is pretty good and very unique since I used google maps in the different way; presenting and telling story instead of just looking for the place to go or some academic stuffs. Also the story links itself to the culture that happens in this town Canberra and also what happens in the reality. If I had abit more time to do this project. I would make it even better by firstly I would go to the actual places in the story and take pictures for each scene. Secondly I would spend abit more time on the storyline. Eventhough I think its prety good, however Im pretty sure i could add abit more stuffs in it. The last thing is I would organise and manage to make up my own videos instead of youtube videos.
- My Geo Narrative
- My Flickr collection
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